Datasets in Monetary, External and Financial Statistics

Browse the list of datasets under Monetary, External and Financial Statistics

Economic Statistics    Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
The lowest wage rate that an employer should pay his workers, as fixed by the Board and which shall in no case be lower than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate as may be fixed by Congress
Keywords: Wage, Labor
36 Indicators
Economic Statistics    Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
Reserve assets are those external assets that are readily available to and controlled by monetary authorities for meeting balance of payments financing needs, for intervention in exchange markets to affect the currency exchange rate, and for other rela..
Keywords: Bop, Reserves
19 Indicators
Economic Statistics    Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
Other Investments is a residual category that includes positions and transactions other than those included in direct investments, portfolio investments, financial derivatives and employee stock options, and reserve assets. To the extent that the follo..
Keywords: Bop, Investment
59 Indicators
Economic Statistics    Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
Financial Derivatives transactions cover largely the settlement of obligations arising from financial derivative contracts. Financial derivative is a financial instrument that is linked to another specific financial instrument, indicator or commodity, ..
Keywords: Bop, Financial Derivatives, Reserves
15 Indicators
Economic Statistics    Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
Portfolio investment is usually referred to as “hot money” since the investor’s motiveis short-term as opposed to a direct investor’s significant degree of influence in a company. A portfolio investor will buy or sell a financia..
Keywords: Bop, Portfolio Investments
35 Indicators
Economic Statistics    Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
Direct investment refers to capital participation in a company in which the investor has a significant degree of influence on management of the company. By convention, this is manifested by ownership of at least ten percent of the company’s equit..
Keywords: Bop
21 Indicators
Economic Statistics    Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
The capital account consists of capital transfers and acquisition and disposal of nonproduced, nonfinancial assets between residents and nonresidents. This also includes grants and donations, the intention of which is for investment (i.e., machinery an..
Keywords: Bop, Capital Account
27 Indicators
Economic Statistics    Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
Secondary Income Account shows current transfers between residents and nonresidents. These are receipts or provisions in cash or in kind for nothing in return. Current transfers are classified into personal transfers and other..
Keywords: Bop, Income
18 Indicators