Datasets in Education

Browse the list of datasets under Education

Gender Statistics    Education
Dataset for Dropout Rate in Secondary Level under Education and has 3 indicators. Data scopes include National, Regional
Keywords: Education
3 Indicators
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Education
Dataset for Completion Rate in Secondary Level under Education and has 3 indicators. Data scopes include National, Regional
Keywords: Education
3 Indicators
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Education
Dataset for Cohort Survival Rate in Secondary Level under Education and has 3 indicators. Data scopes include National, Regional
Keywords: Education
3 Indicators
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Education
Dataset for Net Enrolment Rate in Secondary Level under Education and has 3 indicators. Data scopes include National, Regional
Keywords: Education
3 Indicators
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Education
Dataset for Dropout Rate in Elementary Level under Education and has 3 indicators. Data scopes include National, Regional
Keywords: Education
3 Indicators
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Education
Dataset for Completion Rate in Elementary under Education and has 3 indicators. Data scopes include National, Regional
Keywords: Education
3 Indicators
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Education
Dataset for Cohort Survival Rate in Elementary Level under Education and has 3 indicators. Data scopes include National, Regional
Keywords: Education
3 Indicators
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Education
Dataset for Net Enrolment Rate in Elementary Level under Education and has 3 indicators. Data scopes include National, Regional
Keywords: Education
3 Indicators
National, Regional