Datasets in Gender Statistics

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Gender Statistics    Education    Gender Statistics
a significantly higher level of literacy which includes not only reading and witing skills but also numeracy skills. The skills must be sUfficiently advanced to enable the individual to participate fully and efficiently in activities commonly occuning ..
Keywords: Education, Literacy, Children
3 Indicators
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Education    Gender Statistics
a significantly higher level of literacy which includes not only reading and witing skills but also numeracy skills. The skills must be sUfficiently advanced to enable the individual to participate fully and efficiently in activities commonly occuning ..
Keywords: Literacy, Education, Children, Gender
3 Indicators
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Education    Gender Statistics
a significantly higher level of literacy which includes not only reading and witing skills but also numeracy skills. The skills must be sUfficiently advanced to enable the individual to participate fully and efficiently in activities commonly occuning ..
Keywords: Literacy, Education, Children, Gender
3 Indicators
National, Regional