ESD Data Bank

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Social Statistics    Poverty    Basic Amenities
population with access to improvised building types divided by the total number of population.
Keywords: Poverty, Access, Housing
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Social Statistics    Poverty    Basic Amenities
Slum/informal settlements is the number of households occupying housing units/lots without consent of the owner
Keywords: Poverty, Access, Informal Settlements, Squatters
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Social Statistics    Poverty    Basic Amenities
Families with access to sanitary toilet facility which includes water-sealed/close pit types of toilet facilities divided by the total number of families
Keywords: Poverty, Access, Toilet, Sanitary Toilet
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Social Statistics    Poverty    Basic Amenities
Families with access to safe drinking water coming from (1)Own use, faucet, community water system; (2)Shared, faucet, community water system; (3)Own use, tubed/piped well; (4)Shared, tubed/piped well; and (5)Bottled water divided by the total number o..
Keywords: Poverty, Access, Water
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Social Statistics    Poverty    Basic Amenities
Families with access to electricity divided by the total number of families.
Keywords: Poverty, Access, Electricity
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Social Statistics    Poverty    Basic Amenities
Families with access to improvised building types divided by the total number of families.
Keywords: Poverty, Makeshift, Housing, Makeshift Housing
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Social Statistics    Poverty    Basic Amenities
Families who are living in houses or lots without consent of owner divided by the total number of families.
Keywords: Poverty, Informal Settlements, Access
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Social Statistics
Population density refers to persons per square kilometer of land.
Keywords: Population
1 Indicator
National, Regional