ESD Data Bank

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Gender Statistics    Poverty
Subsistence incidence - the proportion of families/individuals with per capita income less than the per capita food threshold to the total number of families/individuals Poverty incidenc..
Keywords: Poverty
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Poverty
The 2018 estimates were updated following the availability of the final 2018 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES), which now includes the new urban-rural classification based on the results of the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015), in addi..
Keywords: Povery, Subsistence
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Poverty
Subsistence incidence - the proportion of families/individuals with per capita income less than the per capita food threshold to the total number of families/individuals
Keywords: Poverty, Subsistence
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Poverty
Poverty incidence - proportion of families (or individuals) with per capita income/expenditure less than the per capita poverty threshold to the number of families (or individuals).
Keywords: Poverty
1 Indicator
National, Provincial, Municipal
Gender Statistics    Poverty
Poverty incidence - proportion of families (or individuals) with per capita income/expenditure less than the per capita poverty threshold to the number of families (or individuals).
Keywords: Poverty
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Poverty
Poverty incidence - proportion of families (or individuals) with per capita income/expenditure less than the per capita poverty threshold to the number of families (or individuals).
Keywords: Poverty
1 Indicator
National, Provincial, Municipal
Gender Statistics    Poverty
Poverty incidence - proportion of families (or individuals) with per capita income/expenditure less than the per capita poverty threshold to the number of families (or individuals).
Keywords: Poverty
1 Indicator
National, Regional
Gender Statistics    Poverty
Poverty incidence - proportion of families (or individuals) with per capita income/expenditure less than the per capita poverty threshold to the number of families (or individuals).
Keywords: Poverty
1 Indicator
National, Regional, Provincial, Municipal