ESD Data Bank
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Social Statistics Poverty Basic Amenities
Number of Families with Access to Electricity
Social Statistics Poverty Basic Amenities
Families with access to improvised building types divided by the total number of families.
Social Statistics Poverty Basic Amenities
Families who are living in houses or lots without consent of owner divided by the total number of families.
Social Statistics Poverty Basic Amenities
Families with access to sanitary toilet facility which includes water-sealed/close pit types of toilet facilities divided by the total number of families
Social Statistics Poverty Basic Amenities
Living in housing units that have strong materials of the outer walls and roofs
Social Statistics Poverty Basic Amenities
population with access to improvised building types divided by the total number of population.
Social Statistics Poverty Basic Amenities
Proportion of population who are informal settlers
Slum/informal settlements is the number of households occupying housing units/lots without consent of the owner
Social Statistics Poverty Basic Amenities
Families with access to sanitary toilet facility which includes water-sealed/close pit types of toilet facilities divided by the total number of families