ESD Data Bank
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Economic Statistics
The lowest wage rate that an employer should pay his workers, as fixed by the Board and which shall in no case be lower than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate as may be fixed by Congress
Economic Statistics
The lowest wage rate that an employer should pay his workers, as fixed by the Board and which shall in no case be lower than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate as may be fixed by Congress
Economic Statistics
The lowest wage rate that an employer should pay his workers, as fixed by the Board and which shall in no case be lower than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate as may be fixed by Congress
Economic Statistics Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
The lowest wage rate that an employer should pay his workers, as fixed by the Board and which shall in no case be lower than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate as may be fixed by Congress
Economic Statistics
The lowest wage rate that an employer should pay his workers, as fixed by the Board and which shall in no case be lower than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate as may be fixed by Congress
Economic Statistics
The lowest wage rate that an employer should pay his workers, as fixed by the Board and which shall in no case be lower than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate as may be fixed by Congress
Economic Statistics Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
Reserve assets are those external assets that are readily available to and controlled by monetary authorities for meeting balance of payments financing needs, for intervention in exchange markets to affect the currency exchange rate, and for other rela..
Economic Statistics Monetary, External and Financial Statistics
Other Investments is a residual category that includes positions and transactions other than those included in direct investments, portfolio investments, financial derivatives and employee stock options, and reserve assets. To the extent that the follo..